Stamp OSC Dictionary

An API (application program interface) for OSC enabling you to control Stamp from any device or software that can send OSC packets.

Transport Layer

The Stamp OSC API can be used by either UDP and TCP transport layers. Stamp listens for incoming OSC packets on port 24601. When talking to Stamp via TCP, packets are framed using the double END SLIP protocol RFC 1055 as required by the OSC 1.1 specification.

Reply Format

All replies from Stamp take the form:

/stamp/reply/{invoked/osc/message} {arguments}

OSC Methods

Methods will be sent to the current, front-most, active timeline document. So, if romeo and juliet.stamps timeline is the front-most, active document, and you send Stamp the OSC command /stamp/media/recorder/start, then romeo and juliet.stamps will start recording.

Timeline Methods

/stamp/timeline/note {note} {colour}

if note is given, create a note stamp and set the note to the specified note. If not, create an empty note stamp.

if colour is given, the new note stamp will be created with the colour. Supported strings include: green, red, yellow or purple. Colour will default to green.

Media Methods



Read-only: return true if media is currently recording, otherwise false.

/stamp/media/recorder {bool}

If bool is true, start recording media. If bool is false, stop recording media.

/stamp/media/recorder {number}

number is interpreted as a boolean; 0 equals false, any other number equals true.


Start recording media.


Stop recording media.



Read-only: return true if media is currently playing, otherwise false.

/stamp/media/playback {bool}

If bool is true, start media playback. If bool is false, pause media playback.

/stamp/media/playback {number}

number is interpreted as a boolean; 0 equals false, any other number equals true.


Start media playback.


Pause media playback.

Miscellaneous Methods


A simple heartbeat method. Returns a string that may help you to remember. "Who am I? 24601!".